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Radica at work as puppy preschool trainer Training a dog to be calm and attentive
Training recall in puppy school Radica with a puppy at work in puppy class

Why The Mindful Dog?

Puppy parenting does not come naturally. It requires species specific dog knowledge and skills.

As a certified dog professional, I have been providing education for modern puppy parents since 2013.

My goal is to help you and your puppy develop a deeply connected, mutually rewarding relationship, so you can enjoy each other's company for many years to come.


Radica Raeves FDM PDT
Certified Family Dog Mediator,
Pro Dog Trainer & Puppy Class Instructor.

I made the big shift from a User Experience Design career to becoming a dog behaviour training professional in 2012.

Still a geek, I am always curious to progress my knowledge and skills. By taking professional courses, attending conferences and participating in practical, hands-on dog training workshops, I was able to qualify as a certified puppy class instructor (PCI) and a certified professional dog trainer (CPDT-KA, PDT).

And then... I read Kim Brophey's book - "Meet You Dog", and discovered a different way of looking at dog behaviour: through an ethology lens.

This inter-disciplinary science made complete sense to me. An effective approach to prevent dog behaviour problems and protect our ancient human-dog bond, by asking "WHY" first.

In addition, applied ethology, also considers how we can improve dog welfare due to the negative stress-related impacts of captivity. An applied ethology lens goes beyond training. It helps dog carers bridge the knowledge gap between nature and nurture, and has the potential to create a paradigm shift towards a more ecologically literate culture.

So, when Kim Brophey launched her "Family Dog Mediation" course for dog professionals, I decided to qualify as a Certified Family Dog Mediator FDM

Family Dog Mediation refocusses on first understanding the "WHY" of our dog's behaviour. As an FDM I assess the situation with a holistic, applied ethology lens, and aim to take into account all four L.E.G.S.™ of your dog's individual experience. This informs us on what might be going on. What the dog's emotional experience is. Together we look for an approach that can prevent or resolve human-dog conflict, by relieving stress-related behaviours... on both ends of this inter-species relationship.

"Train the dog" is not always the anwswer. Puppies are not like putty - to be moulded into the our perfect dog. That is a myth. Start by meeting your dog and truely seeing them for who they are.

Radica at work on puppy recall in puppy class 1
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